Buyers DBV3500 User Manual
Installation instructions, Truck
Installation Instructions
—continued inside
1. When selecting the vibrator’s mounting location
always follow safe working procedures including,
but not limited to: Engaging parking brake, chocking
truck tires in both directions, locking dump body
safety prop in place and turning off truck engine.
2. The vibrator should be mounted as close to ¼ the
body’s length from the front of the body as possible.
It should be centered between the body's long
3. Check for proper clearance between the
vibrator and: hoist, truck frame, oil tanks, air tanks,
fuel tanks etc.
4. The dump body will need to be reinforced to
accept the force of the vibrator. For bodies with
traditional channel, I-beam or tubing cross members
select and cut a 4" to 6" wide channel long enough
to cover the length of three cross members (typically
36"-38") as shown in Figure "A". Position the channel
perpendicular across the three cross members and
stitch weld in place.
Locate the supplied (threaded) vibrator plate over the
middle of the three cross members and weld in place.
It should run the same direction of the mounting
channel so the vibrator is bolted perpendicular to
the cross members. For cross memberless bodies
refer to Figure "B". Cut two 4" to 6" wide channels
Read and follow these instructions for proper installation of a
TruckSTAR dump body vibrator model DBV2500 OR DBV3500.
Fig. B
(typically 32"-34" long) to serve as cross member
supports for the vibrator mount. Locate channels
approximately 24" apart (or as space permits) and
weld to long members and dump body floor as shown
in Figure "B". Cut another 4" to 6" wide channel to
join cross members. Weld the supplied (threaded)
vibrator plate to the channel. Weld this assembly to
the dump body floor and cross members.
5. Place vibrator on threaded mounting plate. On
one side of vibrator insert bolt and retainer lock,
and apply medium/strong thread locker to bolt and
tighten. Inspect vibrator mounting plate for any
warping from welding. If there is any warping,
shim (over shim a little) the other mounting foot so
mounting surface and feet are flush. Note: Failure to
mount vibrator on flat surface can crack the housing
and/or affect vibrator performance. Insert second bolt
and retainer lock, and apply medium/strong thread
locker to bolt and tighten. Torque mounting bolts to
280 ft. lbs. Note: When vibrator is wired, run for 10+
minutes in 15 seconds on/30 seconds off intervals
(Caution! Vibrator will be hot), retighten and torque
each bolt to 280 ft. lbs. Bend both bolt retainer lock
Mount 1/4 body length
from front of body
DBV2500 & DBV3500
Dump Body Vibrator
Fig. A
vibrator plate
4"-6" Channel
For Bodies with Cross Members
For Cross Memberless Bodies
9049 Tyler Blvd. • Mentor, Ohio 44060
Phone (440) 974-8888 • Fax (440) 974-0165
Toll-Free Fax 800-841-8003 •