Illustrations contents – Crown Audio IQ-PIP-USP2 User Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
1 Welcome ................................................... 6
1.1 Unpacking ........................................ 7
2 Controls, Connectors & Indicators ......... 8
3 Installation ................................................. 9
3.1 Prepare the IQ-PIP-USP2 ............... 9
3.2 Prepare the Amplifier .................... 10
3.3 Install the IQ-PIP-USP2 into the
Amplifier .............................................. 10
3.4 Install the Wiring ......................... 11
3.5 Adjust System Levels ................. 14
4 Operation ................................................ 15
4.1 Hardware & Firmware ................ 15
4.1.1 Data Signal Presence
Indicator ...................................... 15
4.1.2 Preset Indicator ............... 15
4.1.3 Crown Bus Input/
Output Connector ....................... 15
4.1.4 Crown Bus Daisy
Output Connector ....................... 16
4.1.5 Balanced Audio
Outputs ........................................ 16
4.1.6 Balanced Daisy
Outputs ........................................ 16
4.1.7 AUX Input/Output
and Listen Bus Connector ......... 16
4.1.8 Crown Bus “Drop
Out” Relays ................................. 16
4.2 Hardware Controls ...................... 16
4.2.1 Daisy Select
Jumpers ....................................... 16
4.2.2 IQ Address Switch
(S1) ............................................. 17
4.2.3 Scaling Switch (S3) ....... 17
4.2.4 Reset/Preset Switch ...... 17
4.3 Amplifier Control and
Monitoring ................................... 18
4.3.1 User Presets ................... 18
4.3.2 IOC Event Monitor .............. 18
4.3.3 Input Signal Level
Monitor ........................................ 18
4.3.4 Output Signal
Level Monitor .............................. 18
4.3.5 Thermal Headroom
Level Monitor .............................. 18
4.3.6 Power Control .................. 19
4.3.7 Signal Mute ...................... 19
4.3.8 Polarity Inverter ............... 19
4.3.9 Input Signal
Attenuator .................................... 19
4.3.10 “Ghost Faders” .............. 19
4.3.11 Memory Backup ............ 19
4.3.12 Amp Information ........... 19
4.3.13 Amp Mode ..................... 19
4.3.14 Amp Output
Mode ............................................ 19
4.3.15 Error Reporting ............. 20
4.4 Signal Processing ....................... 20
4.4.1 Signal Processing
Forms ........................................... 20
4.4.2 Signal Routing ................. 21
4.4.3 Auto Standby ................... 21
4.4.4 Input Signal ...................... 21
4.4.5 Programmable
Filters ........................................... 22
4.4.6 Signal Delay .................... 24
4.4.7 Peak Voltage
Limiter .......................................... 25
4.4.8 Average Power
Limiter .......................................... 25
4.4.9 Clip Eliminator ................. 25
4.4.10 Thermal Limiter ............. 25
4.4.11 Output Trim
Controls ...................................... 26
4.4.12 Tie Switch ..................... 26
4.5 Load Supervision ........................... 26
5 IQ Audio In Depth ................................... 28
5.1 A Closer Look at Audio
Signal Wiring .............................. 28
5.2 A Closer Look at Crown
Bus Wiring .................................... 29
5.2.1 “Hub” Style Crown
Bus Wiring ................................... 30
5.3 Using the AUX
Connector .................................... 31
5.3.1 AUX Output ......................... 31
5.3.2 AUX Input ........................... 32
5.4 Listen Bus ...................................... 33
5.5 Working with RJ-11 and
RJ-45 Connectors ...................... 33
5.6 Q-Factor Calculation ................... 34
5.7 Load Supervision
Applications ................................ 35
5.7.1 Typical Load
Characteristics to Know
and Understand .......................... 36
6 Specifications ......................................... 37
7 IQ Address Tables .................................. 39
8 Using the IQ-PIP-USP2 with the
IQ-PIP-USP2 Adapter ........................ 43
9 Service ................................................. 48
................................................. 50
Factory Service Information Form ........... 53
1.1 IQ-PIP-USP2 Front Panel ...................... 6
2.1 IQ-PIP-USP2 Controls,
Connectors and Indicators ................. 8
3.1 Address Switch (S1) .......................... 9
3.2 Scaling Switch (S3) ......................... 10
3.3 Scaling Chart ..................................... 10
3.4 Installing the IQ-PIP-USP2 ................... 11
3.5 Crown Bus Wiring “Loops” from Output to
Input 12
3.6 RJ-45 Mating Plug ................................ 12
3.7 RJ-45 Output to Barrier
Block Input ........................................ 12
3.8 RJ-45 Output to Din Input. .............. 13
3.9 RJ-45 Input to Barrier
Block Output. .................................... 13
3.10 RJ-45 Input to Din Output. ........... 13
3.11 RJ-45 Output to RJ-45 Input. ....... 14
4.1 Daisy Select Jumper Settings ........ 16
4.2 IQ-PIP-USP2 Signal Flow
Block Diagram ...................................... 27
5.1 Audio Input Wiring ................................ 28
5.2 Audio Output Wiring .............................. 28
5.3 Example “Hub” Style Crown Bus Wiring
Arrangement ........................................ 31
5.4 The Internal AUX Circuit ....................... 32
5.5 A Sample AUX Output Circuit ............... 32
5.6 Listen Bus Connection ......................... 33
5.7 Multi-Amp Listen Bus
Configuration ...................................... 33
5.8 RJ-11& RJ-45 Pin Assignment ....... 33
5.9 Q-factor vs. Bandwidth ..................... 34
7.1 IQ Address Switch (S1)
Settings, 0 to 83 ................................ 40
7.2 IQ Address Switch (S1)
Settings, 84 to 167 ............................ 41
7.3 IQ Address Switch (S1)
Settings, 168 to 250 ............................. 42
8.1 “General” Tab Showing Identification of
IQ-PIP-USP2 Adapter .......................... 45
8.2 “Signal Path” Tab Showing Peak Voltage
and Average Power Limiters Disabled . 45
8.3 “Peak Voltage Limiter” Block Disabled on
“Signal Path” Tab .................................. 46
8.4 “Average Power Limiter” Block Disabled
on “Signal Path” Tab ............................. 46
8.5 “Error Reporting” Tab Showing Fault and
Load Error Reporting Disabled ............ 47
8.6 “Load Supervision” Tab Showing Load
Supervision Disabled ........................... 47