4 signal processing – Crown Audio IQ-PIP-USP2 User Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
2x2 Dual Processor, the default
form configuration, provides true ste-
reo signal processing, with all signal
processing options available on both
1x2 Crossover/Processor + EQ
provides Auto Standby, Input Com-
pression Limiter, and Crossover
and DSP Filter processing options
on the signal for Channel 1
only, The
signal is then routed to the Channel
1 and Channel 2 signal processing
blocks for further processing and
routing to the amplifier.
The AMCb+ form mimics the func-
tion of Crown’s
-AMCb.* The sig-
nal is routed
only to Channel 1 for
DSP crossover, then the signal is
routed to the Channel 1 and Chan-
nel 2 signal processing blocks for
further processing and routing to
the amplifier. In the AMCb form,
Box EQ is specified for Channel 1,
and CD Horn EQ is specified for
Channel 2.
4.4.2 Signal Routing
Using IQ for Windows software, you
can choose
either or both Channel 1
and Channel 2 XLR inputs to drive
the processing path for each chan-
nel of the IQ-PIP-USP2. You can
also route the output of either chan-
nel to Channel 1 or Channel 2 ampli-
fier inputs.
4.4.3 Auto Standby
The Auto Standby feature automati-
cally turns off the high-voltage sup-
plies of the amplifier when no audio
signal is detected at the input for a
predetermined period of time. The
channels are controlled indepen-
dently. There are four parameters
which control this feature:
On/Off: Turns this function on/off.
Input Gate Level: Sets the level, in
dB, below which the high voltage
supply of an amplifier channel will
be turned off. The range is from +16
dBu to –40 dBu.
Turn-Off Delay: Sets the time, in
minutes, that the input signal must
remain below the Standby Level be-
fore the channel’s high-voltage sup-
ply is turned off. The range is from 0
to 255 minutes. A setting of 0 (zero)
yields a turn-off delay of approxi-
mately 2 seconds to facilitate setup
of the function.
Power-On Delay: Enables or dis-
ables the IQ address turn-on delay.
This delay prevents all the amplifi-
ers from turning on at the same
instant and tripping power break-
ers. The turn-on delay is calculated
by: 10 msec x IQ address value. It
may be desirable to disable this
feature so that the first syllable of
speech is not missed in a voice
page application.
4.4.4 Input Signal
An input signal compressor/limiter
is available for each channel. There
are five parameters which control
this feature:
* For more information about the
AMCb, consult the
PIP-AMCb Refer-
ence Manual, or contact Crown
Technical Support.
put level meters for calibrated output
4.3.15 Error Reporting
Four different error conditions can be
detected by the IQ-PIP-USP2. They
include IOC, Thermal, Fault, and Load.
Reporting for each condition can be
individually configured for output to
the AUX port, the IQ for Windows
software, or both. If you choose sys-
tem software notification, you will re-
ceive notice of the fault condition via
the IQ System. If you choose Aux out
notification, the Aux out signal will
switch from ON to OFF when a se-
lected error has occurred. If you pre-
fer, reporting can be switched off
completely. Following is a descrip-
tion of each error condition:
IOC: You can choose to be informed
when an excessive number of IOC
events occur over a unit of time in
either channel of the amplifier. When
IOC error reporting is on, an alert will
be generated when the number of
IOC events per unit of time specified
exceeds a count that you set. The
Count control lets you set a number
of IOC events per unit of time allowed
before an error is generated. The
range is 1 to 100. The Time control
lets you set the unit of time in seconds
during which the number of IOC error
events are counted for possible error
reporting. The range is 1 to 10 sec-
Thermal: You can choose to be
warned if the thermal level rises above
a predetermined level. The Thresh-
old control lets you set the thermal
level above which an error message
will be reported. The range is from 1
to 100%.
Fault: You can choose to be warned
when an amplifier “fault” condition
occurs when a channel fails. PIP2-
compatible devices monitor a “fault”
signal from the amplifier.
Load: You can choose to be warned
if the impedance of the load being
driven by the amplifier falls out of a
pre-selected range. See Section 4.5
for instructions on setting up the
load supervision feature.
4.4 Signal Processing
The following DSP signal process-
ing features are controlled via IQ for
Windows software.
4.4.1 Signal Processing
Many of the advanced features of
the IQ-PIP-USP2 are accessed from
the IQ for Windows software Form
panel.* This special feature allows
the audio signal to be processed
and routed according to three avail-
able “form” specifications: 2x2 Dual
Processor, 1x2 Crossover/Proces-
sor + EQ, and AMCb+.
When a new form type is selected,
the required signal processing
blocks are automatically arranged
to fit the scheme of the selected
form. The result is a preset “tem-
plate” for signal processing that
makes it faster and easier for you to
tailor your system to your specific
* For more information about the struc-
ture of the forms environment within IQ
for Windows, consult the documenta-
tion and help files which accompany
the software.