3 amplifier control and monitoring – Crown Audio IQ-PIP-USP2 User Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
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IQ-PIP-USP2 Reference Manual
Each channel’s high-voltage supply
can be independently turned on and
4.3.7 Signal Mute
The output signal of each channel
can be independently muted. This
function typically provides 80 dB or
more of attenuation.
IMPORTANT: The daisy chain out-
puts are also muted by activation of
this function if selected for “pro-
cessed” out.
4.3.8 Polarity Inverter
The polarity of the input signal of
each channel can be independently
4.3.9 Input Signal Attenuator
An attenuator at the input of each
channel is used to control the input
signal level. Each attenuator has a
range from 0 dB to –80 dB in ½ dB
steps. (Zero equals no attenuation.)
4.3.10 “Ghost Faders”
These indicators let you monitor the
signal path gain where it may differ
from manual gain set on input at-
tenuation and output trim as the re-
sult of limiting or compression. They
appear as flying faders “behind” the
input attenuators.
4.3.11 Memory Backup
A memory backup feature is pro-
vided which can be disabled, if de-
sired. The factory default setting is
“enabled.” When enabled, the
memory backup stores all run-time
parameters that can be controlled
by the IQ software into nonvolatile
flash memory. Memory backup oc-
curs within 2 seconds after any pa-
rameter change. When disabled, all
run-time parameters are returned to
the last backed-up values whenever
the unit loses power.
CAUTION: Care should be taken to
backup “safe” levels for the input
attenuators and output trim controls.
Changes made after disabling
backup are not saved; therefore, it is
possible for the memory backup fea-
ture to be turned off with “unsafe”
levels stored. This may result in sig-
nificantly greater system gain the
next time power is re-applied to the
4.3.12 Amp Information
Several useful items of information
about the host amplifier are deter-
mined by the IQ-PIP-USP2 at start-
up. These include manufacturer,
model, date code, serial number,
and revision level. These can be
printed from the system inventory.
4.3.13 Amp Mode
The Stereo (Dual), Bridge-Mono or
Parallel-Mono mode of the amplifier
can be stored in the IQ-PIP-USP2’s
memory so the IQ System is aware
of the position of the amplifier’s out-
put mode switch. Storing this setting
serves as an “electronic reminder” to
the system; however, the actual
mode of the amplifier cannot be con-
trolled with this setting. The software
amp mode setting can be displayed
or modified via IQ for Windows soft-
4.3.14 Amp Output Mode
On Com-Tech series amplifiers, the
output mode of the amplifier can be
stored in the IQ-PIP-USP2’s memory
so the IQ System is aware of the
amplifier’s output mode setting. This
software switch also scales the out-
4.3 Amplifier Control and
The following IQ-PIP-USP2 features
are accessed via IQ for Windows
4.3.1 User Presets
The parameters for all functions can
be saved as presets. A total of ten
user presets can be stored in the IQ-
PIP-USP2’s flash memory. Preset
names are stored on the
4.3.2 IOC Event Monitor
The Input/Output Comparator (
of each channel of the amplifier can
be monitored by the IQ System. The
IOC circuitry acts as a sensitive dis-
tortion meter to provide you
proof of
distortion-free performance. If dis-
tortion of any kind equals or exceeds
0.05%, the IOC circuit will cause an
IOC Event Monitor on the front of the
amplifier to flash. The IQ-PIP-USP2
can cause a warning to flash on your
computer screen via IQ for Windows
software indicating an IOC event,
Also, it can report IOC events to it’s
AUX port.
4.3.3 Input Signal Level Monitor
The input signal level of each chan-
nel can be monitored. This monitor
feature has a range from +20 dBu to
–40 dBu in ½-dB steps.
4.3.4 Output Signal Level
The output signal level of each chan-
nel of the amplifier can be moni-
tored. This monitor feature has a
range from 0 dB to –40 dB where 0
dB is referenced to the rated output
voltage of the amplifier model.*
The IQ-PIP-USP2 features scaled
output level meters. By factory de-
fault, the meters are calibrated such
that 0 dB equals the amplifier’s rated
output into 4 or 8 ohms. If the IQ-PIP-
USP2 is installed into a Com-Tech
amplifier, the meters default to 0 dB
equals 70 Vrms. Changing the 4/8 -
70V mode software switch selects
the respective scaling.
4.3.5 Thermal Headroom Level
The Thermal Headroom level** of
each channel of the amplifier can be
monitored by the IQ software. This
level represents the percent of avail-
able power/thermal capacity that is
currently being used within the out-
put section of the amplifier. When
the thermal headroom level reaches
100%, the amplifier cannot produce
any more power and it will begin to
limit the drive level to the output
devices to protect them from too
much stress.*** The Thermal Limiter
feature of the IQ-PIP-USP2 can be
set to engage upon a pre-selected
thermal level. (See Section 4.3.15)
4.3.6 Power/Standby Control
* This is assumed to be 70V or the rated
8-ohm output for Com-Tech amplifiers
or the rated 8-ohm output voltage for all
other amplifiers.
** Thermal Headroom on your Crown am-
plifier may be labeled Output Device
Emulation Protection (ODEP)
*** See the amplifier’s
Reference or
Owner’s Manual for more information
about ODEP and how it works.