16 - subharmonic synthesizer, 220i – dbx DriveRack 220i User Manual

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User Manual

Polarity Positive or Negative

This section is used to select either the Positive or Negative polarity.

Phase 0 to 180

This parameter sets the amount of phase within the selected output path. The phase is referenced to the
uppermost frequency within the band.

3.16 - Subharmonic Synthesizer

The Subharmonic Synthesizer module has been specifically optimized to enhance Bass audio material for
use in a variety of professional applications, including nightclub and dance DJ mixing, theatre and film
sound, music recording, live music performance and broadcasting.

The Subharmonic Synthesizer module’s two separate bands of subharmonic synthesis provide the best
combination of smoothness and control, and the independent low frequency boost circuit is designed to
get the most out of high-performance low frequency speaker systems.

Sub-Harmonic Synth - On/Off

Turns the Subharmonic Synth module on and off.

Sub-Harmonics Synth - 0 to 100%

This parameter sets the overall level of the Subharmonic Synthesizer.

24-36Hz and 36-56Hz (Subharmonic Synthesis) Level - 0 to 100%

These controls individually let you customize the amount of the respective synthesized frequencies to
be added in, tuning the ultimate bass response of your system to taste. For example, if the sound is too
woofy or growly, try turning down the 36Hz-56Hz level. If your woofers are bottoming out (making a
ticking, popping sound), try turning down the 24Hz-36Hz level. You may find that a setting produces
fine results in one room, but produces too much boominess in another. If this occurs, adjust the controls
as needed, (e.g., increase one or the other of the band levels). Experimentation will pay off with smooth,
full, deeply extended bass. Remember, you are not selecting a frequency. You are controlling the overall
level of each band.

Detailed Parameters

Section 3