2 hook inspection – R&M Materials Handling MANUAL CHAIN HOISTS User Manual

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RLP I&M MANUAL/EN/07.20.10


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Hook Inspection

Check the hooks for deformation or cracks. The hooks must be replaced if the throat opening has increased
by more than 15%, or if the throat opening has more than 10-degree twist from the plane of the unbent hook.

Figure 3. Measuring Hook Deformation

Due to many types and sizes of hooks that can be furnished and specified by the user, it is recommended
that the user measure the actual throat opening of the hook as originally furnished and record it on the above
sketch and retain for a permanent record. This record can then be used for determining when the hook must
be replaced due to deformation or excessive throat opening.


Any hook that is twisted or has a throat opening in excess of normal indicates abuse

or overloading of the unit. Other load bearing components shall be checked for damage.

Safety latches shall be replaced if bent or broken to the extent that they no longer provide proper closure of
the throat opening of the hook.


CAUTION: Repairing hooks by welding or reshaping is strictly forbidden.