GE P&W Mobile Water Treatment Systems - MobileRO User Manual
Mobilero, Water treatment system, Description and use

Fact Sheet
Water Treatment System
Description and Use
Figure 1: MobileRO
MobileRO and Extended-Term Reverse Osmosis
Water Treatment to serve a variety of needs
For long-term supplemental or emergency reverse
osmosis applications, GE Water & Process Tech-
nologies’ MobileRO Water Treatment System pro-
vides quality, reliability and flexibility. (See Figure 1
for MobileRO diagram.) Trailer-mounted for easy
portability, the MobileRO System can reject most
ionic contaminants as well as organics over 200
molecular weight. The MobileRO System has a total
flow capacity of over 200 gpm (45 m
/hr) and can
be modified to operate in single pass or two pass
mode, with flows of 100 gpm (23 m
/hr) from each
of two independently operated arrays. Two 60-inch
(152.4 cm) diameter ASME code pressure vessels
can be custom-loaded to provide additional treat-
ment such as filtration, softening or dechlorination
in either the pre- or post-RO position. Spiral-wound
cellulose acetate or polyamide thin-film composite
membranes are available, housed in 8-inch diame-
ter stainless steel pressure vessels.
Included in the MobileRO System are chemical in-
jection, full instrumentation and fail-safe shut down
controls. Components are housed in a weather-
proof, fully-insulated trailer with a self-contained
propane heating system, set up and monitored to
meet your water quality specifications by one of
GE's experienced, extensively trained Field Service
Extended-Term Water Treatment with extra value
Your GE multi-year installation can be designed to
precise operating specs with the assurance that if
circumstances require, GE’s fleet of mobile equip-
ment stands ready to supplement your permanent
GE provides components in custom skid-mount and
mobile configurations to suit your specific require-
ments. Design features ensure system reliability for
five years, ten years, and beyond. Value-added
benefits include:
1. Guaranteed water quality and quantity.
2. Complete analytical and applications laboratory.
3. Technical, Engineering and Marketing Personnel
qualified to meet specific plant requirements.
4. Full-time, experienced, and specifically-trained
Field Service Representatives to operate and
maintain your on-site system.
5. Full-service regional regeneration centers with
regeneration and maintenance facilities, mobile
equipment inventory, parts, and resident per-
6. 24-hour staffed logistics, Operations and Com-
munications Center which also monitors remote
jobsite data acquisition systems.
In Extended-Term applications, GE Reverse Osmosis
systems provide treated water in quantities from
100 gpm (22.7 m
/h) to 2,000 gpm (453.5 m
/h) and
more. RO units are also part of GE’s DeltaFlow*
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