GE P&W Lifecycle Services User Manual
Lifecycle services, Remote monitoring & diagnostics, Off-site technical support

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FSLifecycleServices_EN.doc May-13
Fact Sheet
Lifecycle Services
A complete line of products and services to support your plant –
helping you stay current, connected, in production and on
Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics
GE can provide you with the latest technology and
tools in remote monitoring, diagnostics, analytics
and membrane module tracking. These two superior
products will give you everything you need to moni-
tor your plant 24/7:
• InSight* – remote monitoring tool that archives
your data, then analyzes it to warn of potential
• ModuleTrac – handheld device that tracks the
location and repair history of every membrane
module in your plant
Off-Site Technical Support
GE can offer you a number of technical support
services without a site visit:
• 24/7 Technical Support Line – gives you ac-
cess to highly skilled GE technical support staff
on nights and weekends
• Fiber Cleaning Studies - analytical studies that
identify foulants and allow for optimized clean-
ing recommendations
• Process & Programming Support – two highly
skilled teams of specialists that will help you
resolve process and programming issues