GE P&W Tonkaflo - ReNEW NA Series User Manual

Renew na series, Features, Instrumentation

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AM-FSroReNEWNA_EN.doc Jun-13

ReNEW NA Series

Wastewater Reuse Reverse Osmosis Machines 50 to 330 gpm

The ReNEW NA has been designed at a special
low-flux for wastewater reuse applications (i.e. af-
ter MBR or tertiary UF treatment).

This new platform is a perfect fit to polish GE
Z-MOD*, Z-BOX and Z-PAK Series MBR and UF
packaged plants effluents.







Enclosures with single power disconnect

Allen Bradley CompactLogix PLC

Communication RS485

HMI Allen Bradley PanelView+700 Touch

4-20 mA Instruments on Touch Screens

Primary and Final Pressure Transmitters

Motor Starter: VFD (mounted on frame)

Bank-by-bank cleaning manifolds and valves

RO permeate Flush on Shutdown


Flow Meters: ............................ Permeate & Concentrate
Conductivity: .............................................. Permeate, Feed
pH: ......................................................................................... Feed

Pressure: ................................. Pre & Post Cartridge Filter

.......... RO Feed , Pump Outlet, Interstage (x2)
...................................... Concentrate & Permeate

Pressure Switch:………. Feed, Permeate, Concentrate


Options Available

GE Fanuc PLC

Ethernet Communication

CIP PRE with heater for advanced
membranes cleaning

DuraSlick* membrane elements for higher
fouling applications (with flow & recovery de-
crease and pump change)

Feed water Guidelines

BOD < 20 ppm; TOC < 5 ppm

COD - must define what is creating COD

Phosphate – Use Argo Analyzer to simulate
scaling and calculate antiscalant dose

NTU < 1; SDI < 5

TDS design 2,000 ppm. Higher levels
require pump size review

Operating Parameters

Design Recovery


............................................................ 75%

Design Temperature ...................................... 60 ºF (15 ºC)
Operating Temperature Range .... 36-87 ºF (2-30 ºC)
System Inlet Pressure ...................... 30-60 psi (2–4 bar)
System Back Pressure .............................. < 15 psi (1 bar)


Recovery Rate can vary +/- 5%