GE P&W TrueSense for Cooling Water Treatment User Manual
Truesense, Online for cooling, Value at a glance

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FS1214EN Sep-09
Fact Sheet
Online for Cooling
Value at a Glance
Cooling system performance for operational effi-
ciency, asset preservation, water conservation, and
environmental compliance is more critical than
Production processes pushed to their limits, low tol-
erance for failure, limited manpower and budgetary
pressures have collectively created an undeniable
demand for treatment cost-performance of critical
open recirculating cooling systems.
TrueSense* is a breakthrough technology for apply-
ing the right amount of product, at any point in
time, such that system performance is protected, at
the optimal economics.
How It Works
World-class cooling water treatment chemistry and
applications expertise has been the unwavering
trademark of GE Water & Process Technologies.
The GenGard* line of halogen-stable technology
provides unparalleled corrosion and deposit control,
as well as biological control protection, in the pres-
ence of halogens for longer runs times and more
The polymeric dispersant is a key element of the
cooling water treatment program.
TrueSense technology directly measures and con-
trols the available polymer – that is, the polymer
available to inhibit mineral scale formation and dis-
perse suspended solids.
Your GE Professionals set the optimum target con-
trol point for the polymer concentration, based on
the specific conditions of your cooling system.
The targeted polymer concentration is always
maintained, despite fluctuations in polymer de-
mand caused by system variations or upset condi-
TrueSense’s direct polymer measurement and con-
trol, combined with the most advanced suite of
halogen-stable cooling water treatment technolo-
gies of GenGard…clearly the choice for superior
cooling system performance.
TrueSense System
Each application includes
a TrueSense monitor (Fig-
ures 1 and 2), a controller,
and appropriately sized
chemical feed pumps.
A range of controllers,
from simple to complex,
can be paired with the
TrueSense monitor to
meet the specific system
needs, goals, and budget
for any customer.
GE offers a world-class
range of controllers, from
simple to sophisticated,
either freestanding or part
Figure 1: TrueSense Monitor