GE P&W Pleated Filters - Memtrex MP Pleated Filters User Manual
Memtrex* mp, Pleated filters with polyethersulfone membrane, Materials of construction

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* Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.
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FS1077EN Aug-13
Fact Sheet
Memtrex* MP
Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane
Memtrex MP (MMP) filters constructed with hydro-
philic polyethersulfone membranes and all poly-
propylene components, exhibit both enhanced
throughput and reliable particle retention for supe-
rior performance in most applications. MMP filters
are compatible with a broad range of chemicals
and pH extremes. The low protein binding charac-
teristics of the polyethersulfone membranes en-
sure that MMP filters are suitable in a variety of
beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical applica-
Constructed using thermal welding techniques, the
MMP filters do not contain any adhesives or addi-
tives, and individual integrity testing assures that
MMP filters meet the exacting performance re-
quirements of our customers.
The MMP filter is just one example of our dedicated
commitment to fluid filtration. Our extensive port-
folio includes filters for every stage of processing,
and we can offer custom solutions for your unique
applications. GE is your complete source for filters,
housings, and other filtration equipment.
Materials of Construction
Material of Construction
Filtration Media
Hydrophilic Polyethersulfone
Support Layers
Polypropylene Microfiber
Core and Cage
End caps and Adapters
Seal Elastomers
Buna-N, EPDM, Silicone, Viton,
Teflon Encapsulated Viton
Viton and Teflon are registered trademarks of Dupont.
GE certifies that the materials of construction meet
the US FDA requirements for food contact under the
applicable regulations in 21CFR177. The materials
of construction also meet the test criteria for USP
Class VI-121C plastics. Aqueous extracts from MMP
filters typically contain less than 0.25EU/mL of
endotoxin. The filters typically exhibit low levels of
non-volatile residues.
Nominal O.D.
Nominal I.D.
Effective Filtration Area
(per 10” length)
2.75” (70 mm)
1.25” (31 mm)
7.65 to 8.63 ft
(0.711 to 0.802 m
Document Outline
- Memtrex* MP
- Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Materials of Construction
- 1Viton and Teflon are registered trademarks of Dupont.
- Regulations
- Dimensions
- Common Applications
- Quality Assurance & Traceability
- Integrity Testing
- Filtration Efficiency and Microbial Retention
- Sanitization
- Operational Limits
- Flow Performance in Clean Water
- Ordering Information
- Common Adapter Configurations
- Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Chemical Process Industry
- Food and Beverage
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
- Microelectronics