Rainbow Electronics DS2432 User Manual
Page 18

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that happens to reside in the scratchpad from a previous command as a challenge. The 160-bit MAC is
transmitted in the same way as with the Copy Scratchpad command, Table 2, but the data flows from the
DS2432 to the master. The data input to the SHA engine as it applies to the Read Authenticated Page
command is shown in Table 4.
After the master has issued the command code and specified a valid target address it will receive the page
data beginning at the target address through the end of the data page, one byte FFh and the inverted CRC
of the command code, target address, transmitted page data and FFh byte. Immediately after the CRC is
received the master waits for 2.0 ms during which the voltage on the 1-Wire bus must not fall below
2.8V. During this time the SHA engine of the DS2432 computes the message authentication code over
the secret, all 32 data bytes of the selected page, the device’s registration number (without the CRC) and
the 3-byte challenge. Now the master reads the 160-bit MAC, which is followed by an inverted CRC as a
means to safeguard the data transfer. If the master continues reading after the CRC it will receive a
pattern of alternating 0’s and 1’s until it issues a Reset Pulse.
SHA-1 Input Data for Read Authenticated Page Command Table 4
M0[31:24] = (SS+0)
M0[23:16] = (SS+1)
M0[15:8] = (SS+2)
M0[7:0] = (SS+3)
M1[31:24] = (PP+0)
M1[23:16] = (PP+1)
M1[15:8] = (PP+2)
M1[7:0] = (PP+3)
M2[31:24] = (PP+4)
M2[23:16] = (PP+5)
M2[15:8] = (PP+6)
M2[7:0] = (PP+7)
M3[31:24] = (PP+8)
M3[23:16] = (PP+9)
M3[15:8] = (PP+10)
M3[7:0] = (PP+11)
M4[31:24] = (PP+12)
M4[23:16] = (PP+13)
M4[15:8] = (PP+14)
M4[7:0] = (PP+15)
M5[31:24] = (PP+16)
M5[23:16] = (PP+17)
M5[15:8] = (PP+18)
M5[7:0] = (PP+19)
M6[31:24] = (PP+20)
M6[23:16] = (PP+21)
M6[15:8] = (PP+22)
M6[7:0] = (PP+23)
M7[31:24] = (PP+24)
M7[23:16] = (PP+25)
M7[15:8] = (PP+26)
M7[7:0] = (PP+27)
M8[31:24] = (PP+28)
M8[23:16] = (PP+29)
M8[15:8] = (PP+30)
M8[7:0] = (PP+31)
M9[31:24] = FFh
M9[23:16] = FFh
M9[15:8] = FFh
M9[7:0] = FFh
M10[31:24] = MP
M10[23:16] = FAMC
M10[15:8] = SN0
M10[7:0] = SN1
M11[31:24] = SN2
M11[23:16] = SN3
M11[15:8] = SN4
M11[7:0] = SN5
M12[31:24] = (SS+4)
M12[23:16] = (SS+5)
M12[15:8] = (SS+6)
M12[7:0] = (SS+7)
M13[31:24] = (SP+4)
M13[23:16] = (SP+5)
M13[15:8] = (SP+6)
M13[7:0] = 80h
M14[31:24] = 00h
M14[23:16] = 00h
M14[15:8] = 00h
M14[7:0] = 00h
M15[31:24] = 00h
M15[23:16] = 00h
M15[15:8] = 01h
M15[7:0] = B8h
Input buffer of SHA engine
15; 32-bit words
Starting address of secret (80h)
Starting address of memory page
See Memory Map, memory pages 0 through 3
Family Code = 33h
MP[7:4] = 0100
MP[3:0] = T8:T5 (equivalent to page number in hex)
ROM Serial number of device
SN0 = least significant byte, SN5 = most significant byte
The CRC is not used
Byte n of Scratchpad