Rainbow Electronics W25X64 User Manual
Page 46

W25X16, W25X32, W25X64
- 46 -
A 02/13/06
B 06/28/06
1-4, 6, 32-36,
41, 42
Added W25X64 in the product family of
Added 300mil PDIP package.
Added 6x5 mm WSON package.
Updated Endurance and Data Retention
table (11.3), ICC’s in DC Parameter table
(11.5 & 11.6).
Reduced tPP (max) from 5mS to 3mS.
Changed tSHCH from 5nS to 0nS.
Added byte programming parameters (tBP1
& tBPn.
Added additional byte programming
parameter, tBP2 and moved multiple byte
programming tBPn with formula to foot note.
Preliminary Designation
The “Preliminary” designation on a Winbond datasheet indicates that the product is not fully
characterized. The specifications are subject to change and are not g
ranteed. Winbond or an
authorized sales representative should be consulted for current information before using this product.
Winbond and spiFlash are trademarks of Winbond
Electronics Corporation All other marks are the property of their respective owner.
Important Notice
Winbond products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components
in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control
instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal
instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or
sustain life. Further more, Winbond products are not intended for applications wherein failure
of Winbond products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or
severe property or environmental damage could occur.
Winbond customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their
own risk and agree to fully indemnify Winbond for any damages resulting from such improper
use or sales.