Rough Country 7503 User Manual

Rough Country For the car

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1997-2003 Ford F150 2WD 3” Suspension Kit

Thank you for choosing Rough Country for your suspension needs.

Rough Country recommends a certified technician install this system. In addition to these instructions, professional
knowledge of disassemble/reassembly procedures as well as post installation checks must be known. Attempts to install
this system without this knowledge and expertise may jeopardize the integrity and/or operating safety of the vehicle.

Please read instructions before beginning installation. Check the kit hardware against the kit contents list. Be sure you
have all needed parts and know where they go, separating parts according to where they go and placing hardware with
the brackets before you begin with save on installation time. If you are missing any components, are unsure where they
go, or have a question about the installation please call Rough Country at 800-222-7023.


As a general rule, the taller a vehicle is, the easier it will roll. Offset, as much as possible, what is lost in rollover resis-
tance by increasing tire track width. In other words, go "wide" as you go "tall". Many sportsmen remove their mud tires
after hunting season and install ones more appropriate for street driving; always use as wide a tire and wheel combina-
tion as possible to enhance vehicle stability.

Braking performance and capability are decreased when significantly larger/heavier tires and wheels are used. Take this
into consideration while driving.

Do not add, alter, or fabricate any factory or after-market parts which increase vehicle height over the intended height of
the Rough Country product purchased. Missing component brands, lifts, and/or combining body lift with suspension lifts
voids all warranties. Rough Country makes no claims regarding lifting devices and excludes any and all implied claims.
We will not be responsible for any product that is altered.


Any vehicle equipped with any Rough Country product should have a “Warning to Driver” decal installed on the inside of
the windshield or on the vehicle’s dash. The decal should act as a constant reminder for whoever is operating the vehi-
cle of its unique handling characteristics.

INSTALLING DEALER - It is your responsibility to install the warning decal and forward these installation instructions on
to the vehicle owner for review. These instructions should be kept in the vehicle for its service life.

We hope installing your Rough Country lift kit is a positive experience. Please note that variations in construc-
tion and assembly in the vehicle manufacturing process will virtually ensure that some parts may seem difficult
to install. Additionally, the current trend in manufacturing of vehicles results in a frame that is highly flexible
and may shift slightly on disassembly prior to installation. The use of pry bars and tapered punches for align-
ment is considered normal and usually does not indicate a faulty product. However, if you are uncertain about
some aspect of the installation process, please feel free to call our tech support department at 800-222-7023. We
do not recommend that you modify the Rough Country parts in any way as this will void any warranty ex-
pressed or implied.