Owning and operating costs, The 972h – best value for your operation – Milton CAT 972H User Manual

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More return for your wheel loader
investment through proven Cat fuel

Sight gauges, grouped maintenance
points, easy engine access, ecology
drains, maintenance-free batteries –
all simplify daily maintenance

Electronic monitoring systems track
product health to avoid unscheduled
costly repairs

Unsurpassed parts availability
reduces downtime

Excellent resale value provided
by genuine Cat quality, outstanding
dealer service and unmatched dealer
support programs

Caterpillar Financial Services and
Cat dealers understand your business

FUEL EFFICIENCY. Many manufacturers
tout fuel consumption as one of the
determining factors for machine
acquisition, but fuel consumption is only
part of the story. Productivity must also
play a part in the decision. Even more
importantly, how fuel consumption and
productivity interact – fuel efficiency –
should be considered.

972H Fuel Efficiency. Customer testing
of the 972H is showing an improvement
in fuel efficiency over the 972G Series
II. This fuel savings is achieved through
the use of the Caterpillar proportional-
flow load sensing hydraulic system,
Engine Idle Management System
software, Variable Shift Control
and ACERT Technology.

ACERT Technology Fuel Economy.
Based on Caterpillar testing, the fuel
economy of Cat engines with ACERT
Technology is 3 to 5 percent better than
current competing technologies. This fuel
economy is directly related to the
complete combustion of fuel due to
the integration between the electronic
control that monitors conditions, the air
management system that controls air
volume and the fuel injection system
that delivers just the right amount of
fuel as needed.

Free Wheel Stator Torque Converter
The free wheel stator torque
converter improves power train efficiency
in load and carry operations which
contributes to the improved fuel
efficiency of the 972H.

The Engine Idle Management System
(EIMS) maximizes fuel efficiency and
provides flexibility in managing idle
speeds for specific application
requirements. Four idle control
speeds are available.

Hibernate Mode. Idle speed drops after
a preset time to provide lower fuel
consumption, reduced sound levels
and lower emissions.

Work Mode. Adjust working idle speeds
according to customer preference and
operating conditions.

Warm-Up Mode. Keep the engine at a
consistent temperature in cold conditions.

Low Voltage Mode. Prevent battery drain
due to high electrical loads from
attachments and accessories.

MAINTENANCE. Proper maintenance
of your wheel loader can help control
expenses and lower your owning and
operating costs. The 972H provides
unmatched serviceability by offering:

Hydraulic service center

Electric service center

Well-protected, easily visible sight

Ground level maintenance points

Easy access to engine compartment

Ecology drains for simple and clean
fluid drainage

Brake wear indicators for ease
of inspection

Maintenance-free batteries

Extended oil and filter change

Airborne debris-resistant, swing-out
grill provides more efficient airflow


The 972H – Best Value For Your Operation