7 installation mistakes – VEGA VEGASON 54P…56P Profibus PA User Manual
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2.7 Installation mistakes
Foam generation
Thick foam on the product can cause incor-
rect measurements. Take measures to avoid
foam, carry out the measurement in a bypass
tube, or use a different measurement technol-
ogy, e.g. capacitive probes or hydrostatic
pressure transmitters.
Foam generation
Orient the sensor perpendicularly to the product
Wrong orientation to the product
Weak measuring signals are the result if the
sensor is not directly oriented to the product
surface. Orient the sensor axis perpendicu-
larly to the product surface to achieve opti-
mum measuring results.
Strong turbulence
Strong product movements
Strong turbulence in the vessel, e.g. caused
by powerful stirrers or intense chemical reac-
tions, seriously interfere with the measure-
ment. A surge or bypass tube of sufficient
size (DN 200, DN 250) always allows, pro-
vided the product causes no buildup in the
tube, a reliable measurement even with
strong turbulence in the vessel.
Mounting and installation