Veris Industries Seahawk leak detection accessories Install User Manual

L d c e, Key features & benefits

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S e a h a w k l e a k d e t e c t i o n a c c e s s o r i e s

The SeaHawk Leak Detection Cable Evaluator (LDCE) is designed to work specifically with SeaHawk leak
detection panels that utilize SeaHawk Leak Detection Cable (SC).

The LDCE is used to test and measure the precision of any length of SC. The LDCE simplifies cable testing,
system troubleshooting, and maintenance because it measures leakage current across the cable’s two
sensing wires. This is important because a high leakage current can affect the accuracy of readings. A
reading of zero is ideal; however a reading of 25uA or less is acceptable.

The LDCE includes a pre-connected, 2 foot (.61m) interface cable. Notably, the LDCE can also be used to
test SeaHawk Water Seeker Cable (WS), our two-wire purple cable, with the supplemental purchase of an
adaptor (WS-A). In addition to testing SC and WS, the LDCE can be used to test its own internal battery
and current source.

IMPORTANT: A multi-meter with a micro current (uA) scale is required to operate the LDCE. A multi-
meter is not included with the LDCE. Contact RLE for details about our optional multi-meters.

Key Features & Benefits


Quick-connect cable connection to SeaHawk SC cable


Simplifies cable testing, troubleshooting, and maintenance


Battery powered


Tests its own internal battery and current source


Includes a pre-connected interface cable


Optional multi-meters with uA scale


RoHS compliant