TROY Group MICR_IRD M600 Security Printing Solutions series User’s Guide User Manual
Page 89

Section 4
Using the TROY Printer Utility
Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide -- 50-70537-001 Rev. B
Download File
Include job initialize and job exit data to file
File Help
File Name:
Include NVRAM download enter and exit data to file
Include Administrator and Password data to file
Files to the
The TROY Printer Utility provides the ability to download any PCL or text file directly to the printer without
embedding additional information. Three download options are provided to enhance the download file (see the
Download File window for the specific options). To include an advanced option to the download, place a
checkmark next to the corresponding option(s) you wish to use. The advanced download options are provided
for advanced users only.
1. From the Main Window, click on the printer you wish to manage.
2. Type in the current administrator password in the
password box at the bottom of the Main Window. If a
password is not set, then leave the password box blank.
3. From the Main Window, click on File, and click on
Download File.
4. Enter the file name or click on Browse to locate the
desired file.
5. For advanced users: Place a checkmark next to the
corresponding option(s) your wish to include with the
download file. For normal use, it is recommended that
all three checkboxes be left blank.
6. Click on Download to send the file to the printer’s
flash-file memory. Click on OK to finish.
7. Click on OK to continue.