TROY Group MICR_IRD M600 Security Printing Solutions series User’s Guide User Manual

Page 32

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Section 2

Understanding TROY’s Features

Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide -- 50-70537-001 Rev. B


Encryption /

TROY MICR Secure printers, MICR / IRD Secure EX printers, and the MICR Secure Memory Card Kits provide
encryption algorithms to protect MICR documents and other documents containing sensitive or private
information. Use this feature to prevent fraudulent interception of your MICR check data being sent over a
public network. In particular, electronic data containing MICR fonts or digitized signatures needs to be protected
against duplication and fraudulent use.

By selecting one of the three available encryption/decryption algorithms, Triple-DES (DES3), TwoFish, or AES,
the user can encrypt the data being sent from the host computer to a TROY printer over a public network. Using
the same algorithm used to encrypt the data, the TROY printer will automatically decrypt, format, and then print
the incoming electronic data. Anyone attempting to capture the encrypted data being sent to the printer over a
public network will be unsuccessful in obtaining any useable information. The encryption feature can be set to
one of two modes: job-by-job (prints all encrypted and non-encrypted jobs) or always (prints only encrypted PCL
5 jobs – non-encrypted PCL 5 jobs will be purged).

Currently, the DES3 168-bit encryption method is widely used by the banking industry; however, the AES 128-
bit encryption method was recently approved for use by the American Banking Association. The TwoFish 128-
bit encryption method processes data faster than DES3 168-bit encryption method. All three encryption methods
offer a similar level of security and use a symmetrical key in which both the sender and receiver of the data use
the same key kept secure by the use of internal password phrases (pass-phrases). The same key must be used at
the host computer and printer to allow the electronic information to be decrypted by the printer.

The TROY Port Monitor includes these three encryption methods and all three are, likewise, built into all TROY
MICR Secure printers, MICR Secure EX printers, and MICR Secure Memory Card Kits. No extra software is
needed to take advantage of this feature.

NOTE: Do not use encryption when sending data over a direct USB or parallel port connection. Encryption is not
necessary for local connections and may slow the printing process.