TROY Group MICR_IRD M600 Security Printing Solutions series User’s Guide User Manual
Page 16

Section 2
Understanding TROY’s Features
Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide -- 50-70537-001 Rev. B
To help maintain a secure MICR printing environment, TROY Security Printing Solutions have security features
that, in combination, create security states. The interdependency of these security states ensures the integrity of
the MICR printing security features, which can be enabled and/or configured to meet your specific security
requirements. These features can be accessed through the TROY Printer Utility or the printer control panel. It is
important that the administrator create a unique administrator password to safeguard the security settings by
preventing unauthorized access to the TROY Printer Utility and the printer control panel.
The MICR functions built into the TROY Security Printing Solutions operate under a pre-defined set of security
states. When a MICR print job is sent to the printer, the TROY printer firmware monitors up to four security
states to determine if the pre-defined set of conditions is correct to allow the MICR job to print.
These four security states, monitored sequentially, are as follows:
• MICR mode – MICR mode enabled or disabled (software-based feature)
• Login status – Valid user name and password entered (optional)
• Keylock switch position and/or Softlock setting – MICR Locked, Printer Locked, or Print MICR modes
• MICR toner cartridge sensing – TROY MICR toner cartridge installed in printer
NOTE: The printer keylock switch is present on TROY MICR / IRD Secure EX printers only. MICR toner cartridge
sensing is present on all TROY printer models. The Softlock feature is present on TROY MICR Secure, MICR / IRD
Secure EX printers, and MICR Secure Memory Card Kits only.