EVS XEDIO Manager Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual
Page 90

Xedio Suite Version 3.1 - User Manual – Xedio Manager
EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011
Issue 3.1.C
Default Audio Trans
Option list to define the default audio transition effect.
Possible values: None, Fade OUT, Fade IN, Cross Fade.
Default Video Trans
Option list to define the default video transition effect.
Possible values: Mix, Wipe, Border Wipe, Dip to Color.
Fast Motion Clip HR
Option list to select the transcoding codec used for the
rendering of hi-res Fast Motion Clip.
Possible values: list of codecs available with the current
release package.
Fast Motion Clip LR
Option list to select the transcoding codec used for the
rendering of lo-res Fast Motion Clip.
Possible values: list of codecs available with the current
release package.
Fx Tab Audio Fade
When selected: enables the Audio Effect tab in the Fx
FX Tab Audio Level
When selected: enables the Audio Level Adjustment tab in
the FX dialog box.
FX Tab Color Ins
When selected: enables the Color Clip Tool tab in the FX
dialog box.
Fx Tab Video Fade
When selected: enables the video Fade tab in the FX
dialog box.
Note: this is not supported.
Guardband Frames
Field to enter the minimum duration value when adjusting
clip duration using the rollers.
Graphics Insert
Field to enter the default duration for inserted graphics.
Magnet Pixels
Field to enter the sensitivity value of the magnetic effect
during drag-and-drop operations on timeline clips.
Max Display DB
Field to enter the maximum displayed value for audio
Max Fast Motion
Field to enter the maximum allowed value in the Fast
Motion speed dialog box (in percent) if the
‘CanAccelerate’ parameter is set to 1.
Reset To Default
When selected: resets the toolbar when creating a new
Show Audio Matrix
When selected: displays the Audio Matrix button in the
CleanEdit interface.