EVS XEDIO Manager Version 3.1 - January 2011 User Manual User Manual
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Xedio Suite Version 3.1 - User Manual – Xedio Manager
EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011
Issue 3.1.C
Call Audio Clip FX
Calls audio clip effects dialog box
Call Audio Transition
FX dialog
Calls audio transition effects dialog box
Blank Clear
Shifts all timeline clips, that are situated after the nowline,
to left, removing common holes, in regard to the selected
Move Clips + 1 frame
Moves selected clips one frame to the left
Move Clips + X frame
Moves selected clips x frame(s) to the left (x is defined in
the software profile)
Move Clips + 1 frame
Moves selected clips one frame to the right
Move Clips + X frame
Moves selected clips x frame(s) to the right (x is defined
in the software profile)
Copies selected clips to the clipboard
Cut Removes
Delete (AV lift)
Removes selected clips from the timeline and do not shift
the following clips to the left. This behaves like the Delete
& Clear button.
Delete Clip(s)
Removes selected clips from the timeline. The result will
depend on whether the Delete & Clear button or the
Delete & Shift button is activated in the timeline.
Delete and Shift (AV
Removes selected clips from the timeline and shift the
following clips to the left. This behaves like the Delete &
Shift button.
Goto IN
Sets the nowline to the timeline IN point
Goto OUT
Sets the nowline to the timeline OUT point
In / Out Delete
Removes the timeline content between the IN and OUT
points in regard to the selected tracks
Mark IN (b)
Places IN point to the current nowline position
Mark IN (a)
Places IN point to the current nowline position (secondary
Mark OUT (b)
Places OUT point to current nowline position
Mark OUT (a)
Places OUT point to current nowline position (secondary