4 ramp configuration commands and queries, Ramp configuration commands and queries, Remote interface reference – American Magnetics 420 Power Supply Programmer User Manual

Page 103

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Rev. 7


Remote Interface Reference

Ramp Configuration Commands and Queries



Returns “0” for ramp rates displayed/specified in terms of seconds, or “1”
for minutes.



Sets the preferred field units. Sending “0” selects kilogauss. A “1” selects
Tesla. “0” is the default value. The selected field units are applied to both
the Model 420 display and the applicable remote commands.



Returns “0” for field values displayed/specified in terms of kilogauss, or “1”
for Tesla.


Ramp Configuration Commands and Queries

The ramp configuration commands set the various parameters required for
defining piecewise-linear ramp segments. Also included are queries for
collecting the magnet current, field, and voltage. See paragraph 3.3 on
page 52
for more information regarding the ramping functions of the
Model 420.


CONFigure:VOLTage:LIMit <



Sets the ramping voltage limit in volts. The ramping voltage limit may not
exceed the maximum output voltage of the power supply.



Returns the ramping voltage limit in volts.


CONFigure:CURRent:PROGram <



Sets the programmed current in amperes.



Returns the programmed current setting in amperes.



field (kG, T)


Sets the programmed field in units of kilogauss or Tesla, per the selected
field units. This command requires that a coil constant be defined,
otherwise an error is generated.



Returns the programmed field setting in units of kilogauss or Tesla, per
the selected field units. This query requires that a coil constant be defined,
otherwise an error is generated.