Appendix f – Garmin GPS 90 User Manual
Page 82

The GPS 90 uses a flashing on-scre e n
message to alert you to important inform a t i o n .
Whenever the message indicator appears, pre s s
key to view the message page. There are
two types of messages: temporary alerts and con-
dition alerts. Te m p o r a ry alerts are cleared fro m
the message page after viewing, while condition
alerts remain on the message page until the con-
dition has been resolved. Pay careful attention to
all messages for your own safety.
Accuracy has been Degraded—The accuracy of the GPS 90 has been degraded
beyond 500 meters due to poor satellite geometry or data quality. You should
check other navigational sources to verify the position indicated.
Already Exists—The waypoint name you are entering already exists in the GPS
90’s memory.
Approaching—You are less than one minute away from reaching a destination
Arrival At—You are within the arrival alarm circle of the indicated waypoint.
Battery Power is Low—The AA batteries are low and should be replaced.
Cannot Navigate Locked Route—You have attempted to navigate a route with
a locked waypoint. A waypoint can be ‘locked’ when the database is updated if
the waypoint does not exist in the new database.
C a n ’t change Active WPT—You have attempted to change the ‘active to’ or
‘active from’ waypoint. Clear the active route or GOTO before making your
C D I A l a rm —Your course deviation has exceeded the limit specified on the
alarms setup page.
Final Altitude Alert—The current altitude is within 1000 feet of the final alti-
tude entered on the VNAV page.
Inside SUA—Your aircraft has entered the boundaries of a special use or con-
trolled airspace.
Leg Not Smoothed—The upcoming route leg is too short for smooth waypoint
Appendix F
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