Appendix b – Garmin GPS 90 User Manual
Page 73

For Bonanza, Baron and other aircraft with Beech
center column control:
1. Unscrew and remove the upper mounting knob.
2. Reposition the C-clamp as shown in the inset on page 64
and reattach the bracket using the upper knob assembly.
3. Open the clamp as wide as possible by unscrewing the
lower mounting knob.
4. Slide the clamp over the horizontal member of the control
yoke, keeping the clamp as far towards the center column
as possible.
5. Tighten the lower mounting knob securely.
6. Check to make sure that yoke travel is not limited or hin-
dered in any way by the yoke mount.
The GPS 90’s portable antenna should be used with
the suction cup adapter and extension cable and mount-
ed to the inside of your windscreen. Remember to attach
the antenna and cable where it does not block your
vision of primary instruments and does not interf e re
with yoke control in any way. Try to orient the antenna
so it has the best possible view of the sky, as perpendicu-
lar to the ground as the windshield slope allows.
Appendix B
Antenna Removal
The GPS 90’s antenna
may be removed to
attach to the aircraft
windscreen with the suc-
tion cup mount adapter.
To remove the antenna:
• Rotate the knurled
knob (located at the bot-
tom left of the antenna)
toward the front of the
unit one-quarter turn.
• Pull the antenna gen-
tly away from the unit.
• To install the suction
cup cable leads, mate
the BNC connector
notches with the mount-
ing posts and turn the
knurled knob one-quar-
ter turn clockwise.
gps 90 manual 8/6/98 10:01 AM Page 65