Waypoints & database – Garmin GPS 90 User Manual

Page 31

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The GPS 90’s VOR waypoint page allows you to enter

a desired VOR by identifier, facility name, or city name
and displays the selected facility’s position, fre q u e n c y
and other information.

To view waypoint information for a VOR:

1. Select the VOR category from any waypoint category field.

2. Enter the identifier, facility name or city of the desired VOR.

3. Press the



The VOR page lists the identifier, facility name and

city/state of at the top of the page, with the transmitting
frequency of the facility listed below. If DME or TACAN
equipment is co-located at the site, it will be indicated
next to the transmitting frequency of the VOR. The lati-
tude and longitude is also displayed, with the region and
country indicated at the bottom of the page.


The last waypoint category available from the GPS 90’s

WPT key is user waypoints. The user waypoint page
allows entry of a desired waypoint by name/identifier
and displays the waypoint’s position, user comments and
a reference waypoint field to calculate the distance and
bearing to any other waypoint in the database. The user
waypoint page can also be used to create up to 250 way-
points by manually entering a position or defining a
range and bearing from an existing waypoint.

To view waypoint information for a user waypoint:

1. Select the USR category from any waypoint category field.

2. Enter the identifier/name of the desired user waypoint.

3. Press the





& Database

VORs and

User Waypoints

VOR waypoint page.

User Waypoint page.

gps 90 manual 8/6/98 9:58 AM Page 23