Alarms/cdi menu – Garmin GPS 90 User Manual

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The GPS 90’s SUA alarms for the following airspace

types may be turned on or off from the alarms/CDI page:

• Class B/CTA- ICAO control area

• Class C/TMA- ICAO Terminal Control Area

• MOA- Military Operations Area

• Restricted- Restricted areas

• O t h e r- Other airspaces, including alert, caution,

danger and warning areas

A l a rm warnings for prohibited areas may not be

t u rned off. Keep in mind that turning a warning ‘off’
from the alarms/CDI page will only prevent the you from
receiving a message alert for an airspace. SUA informa-
tion will still be displayed on the map page unless that
category is turned off from the map configuration page.

To turn an SUA category on or off:

1. Use the arrow keypad to highlight the desired SUA category.

2. Press the



3. Use the arrow keypad to select the ‘on’ or ‘off’ position.

4. Press the



The ‘ALT BUF’ field, located directly below the SUA

alarm settings, is an altitude buffer that allows you to set
a specific altitude range for triggering SUA alerts. This
helps add an extra margin of safety to your estimated
altitude error to ensure you receive SUA messages in
time to avoid unwanted SUA intrusions. The default alti-
tude buffer is 200 feet.

The value of the altitude buffer is added to an estimat-

ed altitude error calculated by the GPS 90. This value is
then added or subtracted from your present GPS alti-
tude. If the final adjusted altitude falls within an SUA,
you’ll receive a message. If the adjusted altitude does not
place you in an SUA, you won’t receive the message.




Turning Off

SUA Alarms

Turning an SUA
alarms category off.

Setting an altitude

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