Introduction, Figure 1, Aet62 system block diagram – ACS AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor User Manual

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1.0. Introduction

The AET62 is a composite device, consisting ACS’ ACR122U NFC Reader’s core and UPEK’s swipe
fingerprint sensor. The NFC contactless smart card reader and the fingerprint sensor can be used
independently, but combining the two technologies provide a higher level of security in applications.
The AET62’s system diagram is shown below:

Figure 1:

AET62 System Block Diagram

The purpose of this document is to describe the architecture and interface of AET62’s contactless
smart card reader module, which is based on the ACR122U core. For information on the architecture
and programming interface of the fingerprint module, please refer to the AET62 Fingerprint Reader
Application Programming Interface document (API_AET62_v1.0).

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AET62 Reference Manual

Version 1.00

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