ACS AET62 NFC Reader with Fingerprint Sensor User Manual

Page 35

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Example 4: To turn on the Red LED for 2 sec. After that, resume to the initial state
// Assume the Red LED is initially OFF, while the Green LED is initially ON. //
// The Red LED will turn on during the T1 duration, while the Green LED will turn off during the T1
duration. //

Red LED On

T1 = 2000ms

T2 = 0ms

Red LED Off

Green LED On

Green LED Off

1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF
T1 Duration = 2000ms = 0x14

T2 Duration = 0ms = 0x00
Number of repetition = 0x01

APDU = “FF 00 40 50 04 14 00 01 01”
Response = “90 02”

Example 5: To blink the Red LED of 1Hz for 3 times. After that, resume to initial state
// Assume the Red LED is initially OFF, while the Green LED is initially ON. //
// The Initial Red LED Blinking State is ON. Only the Red LED will be blinking.
// The Green LED will turn off during both the T1 and T2 duration.
// After the blinking, the Green LED will turn ON. The Red LED will resume to the initial state after the
blinking //

Red LED On

Red LED Off

T2 =

T1 =


Green LED On

Green LED Off

1Hz = 1000ms Time Interval = 500ms ON + 500 ms OFF
T1 Duration = 500ms = 0x05
T2 Duration = 500ms = 0x05
Number of repetition = 0x03

APDU = “FF 00 40 50 04 05 05 03 01”
Response = “90 02”

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Document Title Here

AET62 Reference Manual

Version 1.00

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