ZyXEL Communications P-660HW-TX User Manual
Page 87

P-660HW-Tx v2 Series Support Notes
mask] the
sys filter set destport [port#] [compare
type = none|equal|notequal|less|greater]
Set the destination port and compare type (compare
type could be 0(none)|1(equal)|2(not
equal)|3(less)|4(greater) )
sys filter set srcip [address] [subnet
Set the source IP address and subnet mask
sys filter set srcport [port#] [compare
type = none|equal|not
Set the source port and compare type (compare
type could be 0(none)|1(equal)|2(not
equal)|3(less)|4(greater) )
sys filter set tcpEstab [yes|no]
Set TCP establish option
sys filter set more [yes|no]
Set the more option to yes/no
sys filter set log [type 0-3= none | match|
notmatch | both ]
Set the log type (it could be 0-3 =none, match, not
match, both)
sys filter set actmatch[type 0-2 =
checknext | forward | drop]
Set the action for match
sys filter set actnomatch [type 0-2 =
checknext | forward | drop]
Set the action for not match
sys filter set offset [#]
Set offset for the generic rule
sys filter set length [#]
Set the length for generic rule
sys filter set mask [#]
Set the mask for generic rule
sys filter set value [(depend on length in
Set the value for generic rule
sys filter set clear
Clear the current filter set
sys filter set save
Save the filter set parameters
sys filter set display [set#][rule#]
Display Filter set information. W/o parameter, it will
display buffer information.
sys filter set freememory
Discard Changes
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