ZyXEL Communications 2864I User Manual

Page 64

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Remote Node Configuration 51

Enter the Remote Node number to edit and you will go to the next
submenu: 11.1 - Remote Node Profile as shown below:

Figure 5-2 Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile

1. Rem Node Name - This is a required field. Enter a descriptive

name for the Remote Node, e.g., SJHQ. This field can support
up to eight characters. This name must be unique from any
other Remote Node name or Remote Dial-in User name.

2. Active - Press the space bar to toggle between Yes and No.

When a Remote Node is deactivated, it has no effect on the
operation of the Prestige, even though it is still kept in the
database, and can be activated in the future. Deactivated nodes
are displayed with a


(minus sign) at the beginning of the

name in Menu 11.

3. Call Direction - If this parameter is set to Both, the Prestige

can both place and receive calls to/from this Remote Node. If
set to Incoming, the Prestige will not place a call to this Remote
Node. If set to Outgoing, the Prestige will drop any call from
this Remote Node.

Several other fields in this menu depend on this parameter. For
example, in order to enable Call Back, the Call Direction must
be Both.