ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 73

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
My Password= ******** Session Options:
Authen= CHAP/PAP Edit Filter Sets= Yes
Pri Phone #= 4125678 Idle Timeout(sec)= 300
Sec Phone #=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Call Filter Sets:
protocol filters= 1
device filters=
A filter for blocking a specific client
If you want to forbid a specific local client from triggering a call to ISP, you can
configure a call filter set in P-202H Plus v2 to block the packets from this client.
After the call filter is applied, the packet that is sent from this client would not
trigger the call to your ISP or remote node. As long as the call is triggered by the
other clients and the Internet connection is established, this workstation will be
able to access the Internet or remote node.
1. Create a filter set in Menu 21, e.g., set 1
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration
Filter Filter
Set # Comments Set # Comments
------ ----------------- ------ -----------------
1 Block a client 7 _______________