ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 379

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
1.6 Display the trace briefly by entering: sys trcp brief
1.7 Display specific packets by using: sys trcp parse
ras> sys trcp channel enet0 none
ras> sys trcp channel bri0 bothway
ras> sys trcl sw on
ras> sys trcp sw on
ras> sys trcl sw off
ras> sys trcp sw off
ras> sys trcp brief
0 1181.540 BRI0-T[0011] PPP VJ Compressed IP (0x002d)
1 1182.840 BRI0-T[0044] TCP>
2 1226.450 BRI0-T[0052] TCP>
3 1226.480 BRI0-R[0048] TCP>
4 1226.480 BRI0-T[0044] IP Unknown (0x07)
5 1226.490 BRI0-T[0446] PPP VJ Compressed IP (0x002d)
ras> sys trcp parse 1 2
PPP Frame: BRI0-XMIT Size: 52/ 52 Time: 1226.450 sec
Frame Type: TCP>
PPP Header:
Protocol = 0x0021 (IP)
IP Header:
IP Version = 4
Header Length = 20
Type of Service = 0x00 (0)
Total Length = 0x0030 (48)
Idetification = 0xFD02 (64770)
Flags = 0x02
Fragment Offset = 0x00
Time to Live = 0x7F (127)
Protocol = 0x06 (TCP)
Header Checksum = 0x28CF (10447)
Source IP = 0xA31FEF01 (
Destination IP = 0xD2437191 (
TCP Header:
Source Port = 0x2718 (10008)
Destination Port = 0x0050 (80)
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