ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual

Page 391

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P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes

Dialing chan<1> phone(last 9-digit): 40202
### Hit any key to continue.###
Dial busy

This means the far-end is busy.

Dialing chan<1> phone(last 9-digit): 40202
### Hit any key to continue.###
Dial timeout

This means you have been timeed out in making a connection. Please refer to
next chapter for more detailed discussion on this.

- Login to remote failed

Dialing chan<1> phone (last 9-digit): 40201
### Hit any key to continue.###
Call CONNECT speed<64000> type<2> chan<0>
LCP opened
CHAP login to remote failed
LCP closed
Recv'd TERM-ACK state 5
LCP stopped

TRY: Verify username and password with your ISP again or retype the
username and password field again. When you retype the name and password
and hit return at 'Press Enter to confirm or Esc to Cancel', if you don't see 'Saving
to ROM' message, then your original entry is the same as your retry, this means
maybe the name/pw from the ISP is incorrect. You must call your ISP and verify
the name and password again.

- IP address been rejected by your ISP

Dialing chan<1> phone (last 9-digit): 40201
### Hit any key to continue.###
Call CONNECT speed<64000> type<2> chan<0>
LCP opened

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