ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 62

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
Menu 13.1 - Default Dial-in Filter
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
SMT will also prevent you from entering a protocol filter set configured in Menu
21 to the device filters field in Menu 3.1, 11.5, or 13.1, or entering a device filter
set to the protocol filters field. Even though SMT will prevent the inconsistency
from being entered in ZyNOS, it is unable to resolve the intermixing problems
existing in the filter sets that were configured before. Instead, when ZyNOS
translates the old configuration into the new format, it will verify the filter rules
and log the inconsistencies. Please check the system log (Menu 24.3.1) before
putting your device into use.
Running the P-202H Plus v2 with wrong filter rules may cause it to keep the
ISDN line perpetually active, and/or allow undesired traffic to pass to the outside
world, and receive unwanted outside traffic. The first case may incur an
enormous ISDN bill; the second may lead to a data security hazard.
In order to avoid operational problems later, the P-202H Plus v2 will disable
its routing/bridging functions if there is an inconsistency among its filter
How do I know what packet is triggering the call?
If the user already knows the protocol type, the source port and the IP address of
the packet that is triggering the call, he can design the filter rule based on these
information. Otherwise, he can take a look at the SMT Menu 24.1 to see what is
the exact packet that triggers the outgoing call. The 'LAN Packet Which
Triggered Last Call' status in Menu 24.1 will show you the packet which triggers
the call. A display of the header of the packets is shown next.
LAN Packet which Triggered Last Call: (Type: IP)
45 00 00 2E CA 0E 40 00 1F 06 D7 09 CC F7 CB B4 CC D9 00 02 04 1C 00 15
00 33 2D 5E 55 80 B5 C0 50 18 1F 9B E7 D4 00 00 50 41 53 56 0D 0A
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.