ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 3

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
15. What are CLIP and CLIR in Advanced Setup of Menu 2 (European
firmware)? .............................................................................................................. 15
16. Does P-202H Plus v2 support MP callback to dial-in users? ............ 16
17. Does ZyNOS support IRC, Real Player, CU-SeeMe and NetMeeting?
................................................................................................................................... 16
18. What are the differences between P-202H, P-202H Plus and P-202H
Plus v2? .................................................................................................................. 16
General.................................................................................................................... 17
1. What is a network firewall?........................................................................... 17
2. What makes P-202H Plus v2 secure? ........................................................ 17
3. What are the basic types of firewalls?....................................................... 17
4. What kind of firewall is the P-202H Plus v2? ........................................... 18
5. Why do you need a firewall when your router has packet filtering and
NAT built-in? ......................................................................................................... 18
6. What is Denials of Service (DoS)attack?................................................... 18
7. What is Ping of Death attack?...................................................................... 19
8. What is Teardrop attack? .............................................................................. 19
9. What is SYN Flood attack? ........................................................................... 19
10. What is LAND attack? .................................................................................. 19
11 What is Brute-force attack? ......................................................................... 19
12. What is IP Spoofing attack? ....................................................................... 20
13. What are the default ACL firewall rules in P-202H Plus v2?.............. 20
14. Why static/policy route be blocked by P-202H Plus v2? .................... 20
Configuration ........................................................................................................ 22
1. How do I configure the firewall?.................................................................. 22
2. How do I prevent others from configuring my firewall? ....................... 23
3. Can I use a browser to configure my P-202H Plus v2?......................... 23
4. Why can't I configure my router using Telnet over WAN?................... 23
5. Why can't I upload the firmware and configuration file using FTP
over WAN? ............................................................................................................. 23
6. Why can't I configure my router using Telnet over LAN? .................... 24
7. Why can't I upload the firmware and configuration file using FTP
over LAN? .............................................................................................................. 24
Log and alert ......................................................................................................... 24
1. When does the P-202H Plus v2 generate the firewall log? .................. 24
2. What does the log show to us? ................................................................... 24
3. How do I view the firewall log? .................................................................... 25
4. When does the P-202H Plus v2 generate the firewall alert? ................ 25
5. What does the alert show to us?................................................................. 25
6. What is the difference between the log and alert? ................................. 26
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.