ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual

Page 104

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P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes

# Zyxel proprietary attributes
ATTRIBUTE Zyxel-Callback-Option 192 integer
VALUE Zyxel-Callback-Option None 0
VALUE Zyxel-Callback-Option Optional 1
VALUE Zyxel-Callback-Option Mandatory 2

# Zyxel Callback phone number source
ATTRIBUTE Zyxel-Callback-Phone-Source 193 integer
VALUE Zyxel-Callback-Phone-Source Preconfigured 0
VALUE Zyxel-Callback-Phone-Source User 1

3. Enter the RADIUS client IP and the encrypted key in the 'Clients' file. See an
example below.

# This file contains a list of clients which are allowed to make
# authentication requests and their encryption key.
# The first field is a valid hostname for the client.
# The second field (separated by blanks or tabs) is the encryption key.
#Client Name Key
#---------------- -------------------
#portmaster1 testing123 key187

In this example, the new client is the P-202H Plus v2 router. The
key 'key187' must be configured in SMT Menu 23.2 later..

4. Enter the user profile including username and password in the 'Users' file. See
an example below.

# Example 1: PPP user without callback.
# Username Password= " "
ray Password = "12345"
# Example 2: PPP user with Callback.
# Username Password= " "
test Password = "1234"
Zyxel-Callback-Option = Mandatory,
Zyxel-Callback-Phone-Source = Preconfigured
CallBack-Number = "523444"

All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.