ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 429

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
Meaning: call failed, packet is filtered.
Solution: clean the filter set and reboot.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3004, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: call failed due to no iface.
Solution: reboot or drop one line.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3005, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: call failed, both channels are down or occupied.
Solution: initilize the ISDN line or drop one line.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3006, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: call request failed.
Solution: check the configuration.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3007, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: remote node dial to you and wait you call back.
Solution: do nothing, it should be information.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3020, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: call dial fail.
Solution: check resource and configuration.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3022, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: filter groups are mixed, so call is not allowed.
Solution: clean the filter set and reboot.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3023, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: received unexpected event.
Solution: do nothing, it should be information.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3024, rn_p=576de0
Meaning: state dial timeout.
Solution: do nothing, it should be information.
Message: PINI ERROR netMakeChannDial: err=-3025, rn_p=576de0
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