ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual

Page 68

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P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes

Choose the remote node number where you want to block the inbound
FTP connections and apply the filter set in menu 11.5 by selecting the
'Edit Filter Sets' to 'Yes'.

Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile

Rem Node Name= hinet Edit PPP Options= No
Active= Yes Rem IP Addr=
Call Direction= Outgoing Edit IP= No

Incoming: Telco Option:
Rem Login= N/A Transfer Type= 64K
Rem Password= N/A Allocated Budget(min)=
Rem CLID= N/A Period(hr)=
Call Back= N/A Carrier Access Code=
Outgoing: Nailed-Up Connection= No
My Login= masterbc Toll Period(sec)= 0
My Password= ********
Authen= CHAP/PAP Session Options:
Pri Phone #= 4125678 Edit Filter Sets= Yes
Sec Phone #= Idle Timeout(sec)= 300

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Put the filter set number '3' to the 'Input Protocol Filter Set' in menu
11.5 for activating the FTP_WAN filter.

Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter

Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters= 3
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Call Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=

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