ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 37

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
In the Control Panel/Network window, click the TCP/IP entry to select it
and click Properties button.
In the TCP/IP Properties window, select Obtain an IP address
Note: Do not assign arbitrary IP address and subnet mask to your PCs,
otherwise, you will not be able to access the Internet.
Click the WINS configuration tab and select Disable WINS Resolution.
Click the Gateway tab. Highlight any installed gateways and click the
Remove button until there are none listed.
Click the DNS Configuration tab and select Disable DNS.
Click OK to save and close the TCP/IP properties window
Click OK to close the Network window. You will be prompted to insert your
Windows CD or disk. When the drivers are updated, you will be asked if
you want to restart the PC. Make sure your P-202H Plus v2 is powered on
before answering Yes to the prompt. Repeat the above steps for each
Windows PC on your network.
Setting up the P-202H Plus v2 router
The following procedure is for the most typical usage of the P-202H Plus v2
where you have a single-user account (SUA). The PNC (P-202H Plus v2
Network Commander) is a Windows-based tool that helps you to easily configure
your P-202H Plus v2 for Internet access. It is included in the P-202H Plus v2
package. Please install the PNC first before configuring your P-202H Plus v2.
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.