ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 51

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
Key Settings:
Select the 'Active' field to 'Yes'
Select the 'Call Direction' to 'Incoming'
Enter the correct node account for the dial-in router in 'Rem Login'
and 'Rem Password' fields
Enter the IP address of the remote router in 'Rem IP Addr' field.
After you have finished the above settings, you are ready to make a test for this
connection from Menu 24.4.5- 'Manual Call' by entering the node number.
Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance - Diagnostic
ISDN System
1. Hang Up B1 Call 21. Reboot System
2. Hang Up B2 Call 22. Command Mode
3. Reset ISDN
4. ISDN Connection Test
5. Manual Call
11. Internet Setup Test
12. Ping Host
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Manual Call Remote Node= N/A
Host IP Address= N/A
Configuring for Cisco Mutual Authentication
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
This configuration note explains what other settings you need to pay attention to
when configuring the P-202H Plus v2 talk to a Cisco router. Due to Cisco's
authentication scheme, you need to configure some additional fields in P-202H
Plus v2 when talking to a Cisco device. There are two things you must pay
attention to. The first is Cisco's mutual authentication scheme, and the second is
their interpretation of CHAP.