ZyXEL Communications P-202 User Manual
Page 399

P-202H Plus v2 Support Notes
0010: 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 cc f7 cb b7
126 fe4066 0 PNET ebp=4ad30,seqNum=28 PPP1-RECV:24 len:12
0000: 80 71 02 13 00 0a 01 06 00 00 00 01
127 fe4066 2d8 PNET ppp BACP up
Program Trace Switch OFF
Packet Trace Switch OFF
From the packet trace above, one can tell why the IPCP protocol was rejected by
the far end. Please refer to PPP training material for more details. ( RFC 1661 )
- IP address mismatched
P128> isdn dial 4
Start dialing for node<4>
Dialing chan<1> phone(last 9-digit):40201### Hit any key to continue.###
Call CONNECT speed<64000> chan<1> prot<1>
LCP up
CHAP send response
CHAP login to remote OK!
IPCP negotiation started
BACP negotiation started
***Remote subnet mismatch, cfg'd
***Remote subnet mismatch, neg'd
LCP down
IPCP down
***Ip route: code=05 P1=00 P2=00 P3=00
Receive Terminate ACK
LCP stopped
P128> dev dial 4
Start dialing for node<4>
Dialing chan<1> phone(last 9-digit):40201### Hit any key to continue.###
Call CONNECT speed<64000> type<2> chan<0>
LCP opened
CHAP login to remote OK!
IPCP negotiation started
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.