Fcc, acta and ic regulations, Appendix – VTech 5873 User Manual

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Hearing aid compatibility

If ths product s equpped wth a corded or cordless handset, t s hearng ad compatble.

Programming/testing of emergency numbers

If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store police, fire department and emergency medical service telephone numbers in these locations. If you do, please keep three

thngs n mnd:

a. We recommend that you also wrte the telephone number on the drectory card, so that you can stll dal the emergency number manually f the memory dalng feature doesn’t work.

b. Ths feature s provded only as a convenence, and the manufacturer assumes no responsblty for customer relance upon the memory feature.

c. Testng the emergency telephone numbers you have stored s not recommended. However, f you do make a call to an emergency number:

You must remain on the line and briefly explain the reason for the call before hanging up.

Programmng/testng of emergency numbers should be performed durng off-peak hours, such as n the early mornng or late evenng, when the emergency servces tend to be less busy.

IC (Industry Canada)

Ths telephone s regstered for use n Canada.

The term “IC” before the radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada technical specifications were met.


This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration number

signifies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It does not imply that Industry Canada approved the



The Rnger Equvalence Number (REN) for ths termnal equpment s 0.1. The REN assgned to each termnal equpment provdes an ndcaton of the maxmum number of termnal allowed to be

connected to a telephone nterface. The termnaton on an nterface may consst of any combnaton of devces subject only to the requrement that the sum of the Rnger Equvalence Numbers of all

the devices does not exceed five.

Before nstallng ths equpment, user should ensure that t s permssble to be connected to the facltes of the local telecommuncatons company. The equpment must also be nstalled usng an

acceptable method of connecton. The customer should be aware that complance wth the above condtons may not prevent degradaton of servces n some stuatons.

Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equip-

ment malfunctons, may gve the telecommuncatons company cause to requres the user to dsconnect the equpment.

Users should ensure for ther own protecton that the electrcal ground connectons of the power utlty, telephone lnes and nternal metallc water ppe system, f present, are connected together. Ths
precauton may be partcularly mportant n rural areas.


Users should not attempt to make sue connectons themselves, but should contact the approprate electrcal nspecton authorty, or electrcan, as approprate.

Your Cordless Phone s desgned to operate at the maxmum power allowed by the FCC and IC. Ths means your handset and base unt can communcate only over a certan dstance – whch wll

depend on the location of the base unit and handset, weather, and the construction and layout of your home or office.

FCC, ACTA and IC regulations

This manual is related to the following products: