Special features – VTech 5873 User Manual
Page 55

Special features
Open a graphic file
• Open the phonebook manager by double-clckng on the desktop con:
• Clck on the Graphcs tab.
• Clck on the
OPEN IMAGE button.
• A window will open for you to browse through the graphic file on your computer.
• Find the folder containing your graphic file and double-click to open it.
Picture download
Once a graphic file is opened, it can be transferred from your PC to your handset. There are many
mages n the phonebook manager software for downloadng nto your handset, or you can transfer
your own pctures onto the handset. The phonebook manager supports the followng graphc formats:
Picture download
To transfer images from the software to the handset:
• Connect one end of the enclosed USB cable to the handset and the other end to your PC.
• If you have the phonebook manager program open, you should see from the status bar n the
bottom rght corner update that the PC has detected the telephone. You are now ready to transfer
a graphc to the telephone.
• Followng the steps n
Open a Graphic File.
• Once you have opened the desred mage, clck on the
Transfer to Handset button.
• The graphc transfer wll now begn and complete n approxmately four seconds.
• When the graphc transfer s complete, follow the nstructons gven on the handset dsplay to save
the graphc to your telephone.
Special features