Fcc, acta and ic regulations – VTech 5873 User Manual

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FCC Part 15

Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

The equpment has been tested and found to comply wth part 15 of the FCC rules. These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganst harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton.

Ths equpment generates, uses and can radate rado frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance wth the nstructons, may cause harmful nterference to rado communcatons.

However, there s no guarantee that nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths equpment does cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton, whch can be determned

by turnng the equpment off and on, the user s encouraged to try and correct the nterference by one or more of the followng measures:

• Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna.
• Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever.
• Connect the equpment nto an outlet or on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the recever s connected.

• Consult the dealer or an experenced rado/TV techncan for help.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has establshed crtera for the amount of rado frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander accordng to the ntended usage of the prod-

uct. Ths product has been tested and found to comply wth the crtera. The handset has such a low power that t does not requre testng. It may be safely held aganst the ear of the user. The base

unt shall be nstalled & used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands should be mantaned at a comfortable dstance of approxmately 20cm or more.

FCC Part 68 and ACTA

If ths equpment was approved for connecton to the telephone network pror to July 23, 2001, t comples wth Part 68 of the Federal Communcatons Commsson (FCC) rules. If the equpment

was approved after that date, t comples wth the Part 68 rules and wth Techncal Requrements for Connecton of Equpment to the Telephone Network adopted by the Admnstratve Councl for

Termnal Attachments (ACTA). We are requred to provde you wth the followng nformaton.


Product identifier and REN information

The label on the back or bottom of this equipment contains, among other things, an identifier indicating product approval and the Ringer Equivalence Number (REN). This information must be

provided to your local telephone company upon request. For equipment approved prior to July 23, 2001, the product identifier is preceded by the phrase “FCC Reg No.” and the REN is listed

separately. For equipment approved after that date, the product identifier is preceded by “US” and a colon (:), and the REN is encoded in the product identifier without a decimal point as the sixth

and seventh characters following the colon. For example, the product identifier US:AAAEQ3T123XYZ would indicate an REN of 0.3. The REN is used to determine how many devices you may

connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs should be five (5.0) or less. You may want to contact your local telephone
company for more nformaton.


Connection and use with the nationwide telephone network

The plug and jack used to connect ths equpment to the premses wrng and the telephone network must comply wth the applcable Part 68 rules and techncal requrements adopted by ACTA. A

complant telephone cord and modular plug s provded wth ths product. It s desgned to be connected to a compatble modular jack that s also complant. An RJ11 jack should normally be used

for connectng to a sngle lne and an RJ14 jack for two lnes. See Installaton Instructons n the user’s manual. Ths equpment may not be used wth Con Telephone Lnes or wth Party Lnes. If

you have specally wred alarm dalng equpment connected to your telephone lne, ensure the connecton of ths equpment does not dsable your alarm equpment. If you have questons about

what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.

Repair instructions

If ths equpment s malfunctonng, t must be unplugged from the modular jack untl the problem has been corrected. Repars to ths telephone equpment can only be made by the manufacturer

or ts authorzed agents. For repar procedures, follow the nstructons outlned under the Lmted Warranty.

Rights of the telephone company

If ths equpment s causng harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarly dscontnue your telephone servce. The telephone company s requred to notfy you before

interrupting service. If advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be given the opportunity to correct the problem and the telephone company is required to

inform you of your right to file a compliant with the FCC. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning
of ths product. The telephone company s requred to notfy you f such changes are planned.

FCC, ACTA and IC regulations

This manual is related to the following products: