Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual
Page 73

Code 128 Barcode
Example 1: The Graphics Pass
^M0505000^IFONT,S,10^IBARC,C128,E,ABCDE^G^- prints:
Example 2: By adding the greater than symbol to the printable characters of
Example 1, the Graphics Pass,
^M0505000^IFONT,S,10^IBARC,C128,E,>ABCDE^G^- prints a
different barcode pattern, indicating that >A (decimal 65) now
represents the control code SOH (decimal 1):
NOTE: The human-readable characters did not print under the barcode as it
did in Example 1, above.
The Code 128 barcode style selection can also be done manually by adding a
style selection character to the beginning of the barcode data.
Code 128 characters are uniquely identified by a Code 128 value that range
from 0 to 105. For each value there is a single pattern of bars and spaces that
form a Code 128 character (there are 107 Code 128 characters; the STOP
character doesn’t have a value). Code 128 barcode data is mapped by Code
V into Code 128 values. Code V then uses the algorithm specified in the AIM
USS-128 Specifications to determine the combination of codes that will
produce the shortest possible barcode.
Some users may wish to control the Code 128 style used. To allow this, Code
V has special commands that can be included in the command that allow the
user to specify the Code 128 style that will be used. These special codes also
allow the user to encode special characters or call special functions as
defined in the Code 128 Specifications. Which special functions or characters
will be called out is dictated by teh style of Code 128 barcode (A, B, or C)
being used.