Dark/light bar ratios – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

Page 70

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Command Terminator

Fourth Command:

^V0505000^T0250^IBARC,C128,B,Vert Right^G^-


Causes barcode to print vertical right with a height
of 0.5 inches.


Tabs the start of the barcode 2.5 inches from the
left margin.


Turns ON Barcode Mode and selects Code 128


Prints the character translation below the barcode.

Vertical Right

Data to be encoded as a Code 128 barcode and
printed below the barcode as Draft 10 CPI


Command Terminator

Dark/Light Bar Ratios

The default widths of the light and dark bars that comprise each barcode style
are determined by the ratios given in Table 3. These ratios are read in pairs,
with the first number of the first pair being the width of the narrowest bar in dot
columns, and the second number of the first pair being the width of the
narrowest space in dot columns. The second pair of numbers in the ratio refer
to the next wider bar and space, respectively.

For example, Code 39 has the ratio 1:1:3:3 which means:

The narrow bars and spaces are each one dot column wide.

The wide bars and spaces are each three dot columns wide.

If a barcode style has more than two pairs of numbers, it has more than two
bar/space widths. For example, Code 128 has the ratio 1:1:2:2:3:3:4:4. Since
this is comprised of four pairs of numbers, four different widths of bars and
sapces are used in this particular barcode:

The narrowest bars and spaces are one dot column wide.

The next wider bars and spaces are two dot columns wide.

The next wider bars and spaces are three dot columns wide.

The widest bars and spaces are four dot columns wide.

Ratio numbers may range in value from 0 to F, hexadecimal. That is, a ratio
value of A corresponds to decimal 10 and F corresponds to decimal 15.

NOTE: The printer does not verify that a given ratio sequence adheres to the

standard barcode specification. Many barcode ratios will cause the
barcode to fall outside the specifications, resulting in unreadability.