Code v font selection, Code v character set selection – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual
Page 40

Code V Font Selection
Code V Font Selection
Since Code V runs on top of another emulation, the Code V Language has
the ability to print either emulation fonts or Code V fonts. When Code V is
turned on via the ^PY^- command, it sets the out of pass font to the 10 CPI
Draft emulation font using the character set selected on the Control Panel.
Code V has the ability to select different kinds of fonts via Code V font
commands. These font commands and their effect(s) are listed below:
^IFONT,S# If issued inside a pass, the specified font is changed for the
duration of the pass. If issued outside a pass, the font is changed
to the specified Code V font both inside and outside passes.
Valid only inside a pass, this command changes the font of the
characters in the current pass to the specified Code V font.
Valid only outside a pass, this command changes the font of the
characters outside passes to the specified Code V font.
Valid only outside a pass, this command changes the emulation
font, thus affecting Code V outisde of pass characters and
characters printed after exiting Code V.
Code V Character Set Selection
All emulations and Code V have two character sets: upper (eigth bit high) and
lower (eigth bit low). For all Code V fonts, the default lower character set
(characters 20 - 7F hex) is US and the default upper character set (characters
A0 - FF hex) is Latin1. Complete charts for the US and Latin1 character sets
are available in Appendix F, Table 46: on page 287.
The CVCC font lower character set may be selected within Code V by using
the ^IISO command. The Code V font upper character set cannot be changed
and is always Latin1. Changing the character set via the control panel does
not alter the Code V character sets. The effects of the ^IISO command are
described below.
When ^IISO is sent inside a pass:
The selected ISO character set (also called language in the Code V
manual) lasts only until the end of that pass.
When ^IISO is sent outside a pass:
The selected ISO character set is used both inside and outside passes
until Code V is exited. Also, upon re-entering Code V, the ISO character
set selection made during the previous Code V session is retained.
To form an ISO character set, ^IIISO only changes 12 characters from the
lower US set. These 12 character differences are shown for each ISO
character set on page 47.