Practice – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

Page 201

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Select Format (SF) Command (Normal, Create, and Execute)



Earlier in this chapter we presented some sample commands for creating
various graphical elements for a form.

Earlier we created a logo named BOMB and a form called JobAppl. Now let’s
modify our earlier work and put them together with some Alphanumerical
commands, line commands, and a BOX command to create a Job Application
for a company called “Demolitions Are US.”

The logo we designed is fine the way it is, but to create a form that will fit on a
page of this manual we will have to modify the BOX and CREATE Form
command in the examples we used earlier.

The overall form dimensions will be 5.6 inches wide by 8.5 inches long. It will
be printed at 10 CPI and 6 LPI. These figures give us a maximum line length
of 70 columns and form length of 51 lines (form length in dot rows would be

We have already created and stored the logo for the form. Now we will create
the form itself. First enter the CREATE Form Mode.


After we enter the CREATE Mode, create a border for our form by sending a
BOX Command specifying a box of 3 points thickness that prints three
columns from the left and right edge and three lines from the top and bottom




We started our form creation and added a border, now we will compose the
items that will go inside the box.

Remember that the BOMB logo we created earlier has a superimposed “D” on
it. The bomb is going to be part of the company title on the form. To finish the
form header, create an Alphanumeric string with the remaining characters of
the title to align properly with the bomb making a form header. Also, we will
create a form title, the instructions for the form, and end with the first question.


4;30;0;0;*Job Application*

5;30;0;0*Explosives Handler*

E;D;7;10;0;0;*emolitions Are US*

10;6;0;0;*Answer ALL Questions. If you do not under-*

11;6;0;0;*stand a question or have no answer for a *

12;6;0;0;*question, stop where you are and deposite your *

13;6;0;0;*application in the receptacle by the front *

14;6;0;0;*door as you leave the premises*

16;6;0;0;*1. *

16;10;0;0;*Are you afraid of loud noises?*


Follow this section with a horizontal line command to place a line where the
answer to the first question should go.




Continue this procedure until all questions with answering spaces composed
and in place. Also include a closing logo.