High density barcode – Tally Genicom 6600 User Manual

Page 71

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High Density Barcode


Example 1: Barcodes can be expanded by doubling the ratio of the light/dark

bars. Code 39, which is normally 1:1:3:3 can be printed double
wide by sending the Version 2 Graphics Pass,
^M0505000^IBARC,C39,R2:2:6:6,E,12345^G^- prints:

Example 2: Barcodes can also be expanded by replacing the ratio numbers in

Table 3, page 65, with other values that are not exact multiples.
The Version 2 Graphics Pass,

High Density Barcode

Normally, barcodes print at 60 DPI horizontally. For improved readability, they
may also print at 120 DPI. The 120 DPI, High Density Mode can be toggled
ON and OFF by the command:

Command KF


The command sequence

^M0505000^KF^IBARC,C39,B,MAU THE CAT^G^KF prints:

^KF first turns the High Density mode for barcodes ON, then the barcode is
printed. The second ^KF turns High Density Mode OFF.

NOTE: Darkbar Control Panel settings overrides ^KF if Darkbar is ON.